Parents » Parents


The Office of Child Protection (OCP) and its partners have recently been working to help foster and probation youth in Los Angeles County—and their families, caregivers, and social workers—to search a large online database of public benefits for which they may be eligible, depending on their age and circumstances. Click here to see what benefits you may be eligible for.

CLICK HERE to update Student Information in PowerSchool.

CLICK HERE to complete your lunch application.

Click HERE to access the PARENT Powerschool account setup

Haga clic AQUI para el acceso y configuración del Portal para PADRES de PowerSchool

Secretary of State - Register to Vote
Secretario de Estado - Registrarse para votar
Hard copies are available in A-1.

Una copia impresa del Informe de Responsabilidad Escolar de la preparatoria Montebello está disponible en la oficina principal.
For more information/Para mas informacion 
Ms. Moreno-Rojas, ext. 4420.
Click here to access School Locator. It will direct you to the Elementary, Intermediate or High School your child should attend.
Click on the picture below to get more information about the Montebello Community Adult School.